Channel types#

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deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Channels are used to organize conversations across different topics, view and operate files between each other or download/upload files to/from your client computer. The channels you’re a member of display in the left pane. Learn how to create channels by visiting the create channels documentation.

There are 6 types of channels in Fangout:

Public channels#

Public channels are open to everyone on a studio and are identified with a Globe Public channels are identified with a Globe icon. icon. New studio members are automatically added to the Meme channel.

See the Join and leave channels documentation for details on discovering, joining, and leaving other channels.

Private channels#

Private channels are channels for sensitive topics and are only visible to selected studio members. Private channels are identified with a Lock Private channels are identified with a Lock icon. icon. Channel members can choose to leave private channels at any time. Any member of a private channel can add or remove other members from private channels.


If the channel you are about leave or removed is associated with a storage you created, the channel file view and operation won’t work after your leave. This applies for both private and public channels.

Direct message channels#

Direct message channels are for conversations between 2 people. Only members of the conversation can see direct messages and channel heading information, including the last active status of the other user.

Direct messages update the numbered badge count and trigger a notification unless the direct message is muted, or your notifications are disabled. See the notification documentation for details on customizing notifications based on your preferences.


Direct message channels with others have no file view and operation functions except Share File.

Self message channel#

Self message channel is the special direct message channel talking to yourself that presents the files on your local laptop/desktop in the Downloads folder by default on the desktop App.

In this channel, accelerated download messages will be posted so user can review download records, redo the download, and etc.


  • File explore in self message channel only exists on the desktop App.

  • Self message channel views and operates files of the current computer, it shows the Downloads folder by default.

  • Files in this channel cannot be shared to other channels.

Group message channels#

Group message channels are for conversations between 3 to 7 people. Only members of the conversation can see group messages. Group messages always display a new message badge.

Want to have a group conversation with more than 7 people? Create a private channel.


  • Only Share file is allowed into group message channels.

Archived channels#

Archived channels are deactivated public, private, direct message, or group message channels that are no longer used. Archived channels are identified with a File Box Archived channels are identified with a File Box icon. icon.

Archiving a channel marks it read-only to prevent new messages from being sent and preserve channel history. You can continue to access archived channels.


  • Files in archived channels can still be viewed, deleted or copied.

  • Files can NOT be pasted (transferred) into archived channels.